More Running Playlist Additions

I’m finding out quickly what songs seem to work better than others. Just a few additions this time. Sevedust — Driven Buckcherry — Crazy Bitch There are a few that I’m on the fence about removing, but I’m sure some of them at least will be coming off soon.

Playlist Additions/Deletions

I mentioned that I was going to try to make my training playlist be a work in progress by adding and deleting songs as I noticed that some weren’t working. This is the first batch of those additions and deletions. Â Additions: Daughtry – What I Want Metallica – King Nothing STP – Dead and […]

Running Playlist

So here is the playlist I’m training with at the moment. Feel free to give me suggestions if you think of some other songs that would be good to add. I’m planning to add and remove as I need to so that I can remove any songs that are not working and add ones that […]