Month: October 2009
Roll Tide!
Logan watching the Alabama game… the red eye is just team spirit!
My Road Trip Partner
Logan on his first road trip to Cullman… he’s a pretty good backseat buddy. 🙂
Logan @ 4 weeks
Cute & Cuddly! Trying to eat the blanket… This is what I think of having my picture taken.
Fun with Scents
We had some fun testing out Logan’s sense of smell this evening. Apparently, an infant’s sense of smell is very keen even at these early stages. So, in an effort to expose Logan to many different scents, we played in the spice rack. He seemed to like cinnamon a bit, and vanilla. Surprisingly, he was […]
Best burger…
Brandon indulged my desire to try out a new burger this evening. Result: remarkable success. A few weeks ago I learned of the “Krispy Kreme” burger… a burger, cheese, and bacon served up in between two halves of a grilled Krispy Kreme doughnut. Before you judge it, think about it for a moment… the sugary […]