80s Team

Since Brandon’s been about as active on his blog as a three-toed sloth in hibernation (“Hi, Pot? Yeah, it’s me… Kettle. Know what color you are?”), I figured it was my duty and right as his wife to get his newest endeavor out on the internet.

Brandon joined a band several months ago. An 80s band. Yes, I, too, had my doubts. But check this out, if you haven’t already: www.the80steam.com. They had their first gig last weekend at Mickey Roos, and they rocked! Yes, I’m biased. But seriously, I have tendencies to be just a wee bit (okay, a lot) judgemental. Especially about things like my husband dressing up as Slash and performing next to a guy that looks like Boy George. So when I tell you that they rocked, you can trust me in that. They were REALLY good.

You can hear a demo on their website, which my tech-savvy man designed. You can see pictures on our Flickr page from the gig last week. OR, if you really want to see for yourself, they’ve got another gig at Mickey Roo’s on June 13. Come early – the place packs fast!!

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