Just got home from Logan’s 2 month checkup. He’s up to 9 lbs, 14 oz. – still small for his age, but growing like crazy!! He’s 21.75 inches now, which means his feet are actually reaching the bottoms of his Newborn outfits (finally!).
He turned on all his charm for the pediatrician – smiling a lot and generally being downright adorable. Doc was impressed with how happy he was, and I’m not 100% sure that he believed us about the “Jekyll & Hyde” moments that Logan has from time to time. Although, in the doctor’s defense, during Logan’s adorable moments, I also sometimes find it hard to believe that he can be a red-faced, screaming-until-he-hyperventilates, miserable baby (and I’ve lived through those moments). Hopefully, Logan will outgrow the screamfests soon, or at least continue to have enough happy moments to balance them out.
Overall, he is a ridiculously happy kid. He will lay under his playgym and babble at his penguin & teddy bear friends for 30 minutes at a stretch. One of these days we’ll actually catch that on video & post it… for now, the noise that the video camera makes when it starts recording is enough to confuse him out of his giggly-ness, so we keep missing it.
Logan also got his first round of vaccines today and did remarkably well. If I had gotten 3 shots, I would have cried a lot more than he did today. Fingers are crossed that he’s not running a fever and irritable all night. If you’re reading this, say a quick prayer that he reacts well to the vaccines.
We have a few roadtrips lined up over the upcoming weekends, so we’ll keep the pictures & videos coming. Thanks for all the great comments – it’s been great hearing from all of you!