Running again

Brandon fixed the treadmill a few weeks ago. It’s been broken since about this time last year, so I had a few somewhat reasonable excuse not to run…. “it’s too dark when I get home” or “it’s too cold in the morning.” Since he fixed it, though, my only excuse was the one that the others all boiled down to…. “I’m too lazy.”

So this weekend, I finally laced up the running shoes and went out for a run (note: I went OUT for a run… did not utilize aforementioned fixed treadmill… but I do appreciate the fixing of it. Really, I do). Brandon and I decided to go out and run together, which we really haven’t done since we were training for the marathon.

I don’t know if it was the fact that my legs were fresh (nice way of saying I haven’t run in 4 months), that the weather was perfect (cold enough that I didn’t sweat but warm enough that I could feel my blood pumping), or that I had a lot of stress (and calories) to burn off, but it felt excellent. I ran a solid 3.1 without a problem. Unless you count the miniature pinscher that chased me for a lot farther than he should have. And at a toocloseforcomfort distance from my ankles.

Since then, I’ve gotten on the treadmill every day. And it’s feeling good. No knee problems yet, just all the good endorphins and happy de-stress-ifying that comes from exercise.

We’re toying with the idea of another 1/2 marathon. We’ve never done the Country Music 1/2, although I’ve volunteered for it several times. It seems like a good, albeit hilly, race. This may be the year for it…

Or it may be yet another instance of me setting a lofty goal and enjoying the shiny newness of it with a slight lack of follow-through.

Either way, at least I’m running again.

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